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Bride of Chucky (1998)

Tiffany: Oh, how romantic. Chucky: I give them six months, three if she gains weight.

Tiffany: Oh, Chucky, have you got a rubber? Chucky: Tiff? Tiffany: Yes, Chucky? Chucky: I'm all rubber! Tiffany: I thought you were plastic.

Stoner: Rude fuckin' doll.

Chucky: What would Martha Stewart do? Tiffany: Martha Stewart can kiss my ass.

Jesse: They think we're mass murderers! David: Multiple murderers, actually. Mass murderers kill a whole lot of people at the same time, like at the post office.

Chief Warren Kincaid: I heard you're going to college on a scholarship. David: Yes, sir. Chief Warren Kincaid: Hockey? David: Ballet, actually.

Tiffany: You know me, I'd kill anybody, but I'd only sleep with the man I love.

Chucky: I give them six months, three if she gains weight.

Jesse: How'd you end up like this? Tiffany: It's a long story. Chucky: If this were a movie, it would take three or four sequels to explain.

Tiffany: Ohh Chucky, do you got a rubber? Chucky: Tiff... I'm ALL rubber!

Tiffany: My mother always said love would set me free, but I've been a prisoner because of my love for you.

Tiffany: A woman spends all day over a hot stove slaving away for her man. The least he can do is the dishes.

Chucky: What would Martha Stewart say? Tiffany: Fuck Martha Stewart! Martha Stewart can kiss my shiny plastic butt!

Chucky: Fine! Kill me! I'll be back! I always come back! But dying is such a bitch!

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